Friday, December 3, 2010

Document and Records Management Basics

Document & Records Management

A Records Management department is established to ensure compliance with the Federal Law and regulations relating to the preservation and destruction of information/ records created during the course of business.

Records Management is defined as " that field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition of records, including processes for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about the business activities and transactions in ther form of records" (ISO 15489)

The benefits of a Document and Records Management program are:

1. Timely retrieval of records when needed for both internal and external (such as OPRA) purposes.
2. Higher employee productivity
3. Reduced legal liability
4. Frees up valuable office space.
5. Protection of college history
6. Facilitates quick recovery of records in the event of a disaster.

The areas of responsibility of the Document and Records Management department include:

• Policy and Procedure Development
• Records Retention Schedules
• Inactive Records Storage
• Document Imaging Solutions
• Electronic Records Management
• Forms Design and Management

1 comment:

  1. Record is a document or physical entity in an organization. Record management is the practice of maintaining the records of an organization from the time they are created up to their eventual disposal. This may include classifying, securing, and destruction. Thanks a lot...

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