Friday, June 10, 2011

How to Use a Laptop on a Sailboat

I think this insight is useful and it does not necessary have to be a sailboat setting.

How to Use a Laptop on a Sailboat: "
Using a laptop on a sailboat has many advantages including being able to track your journey, navigate and plot charts, find out tactics if you're racing, keep a record of anything, play games, send emails, find the weather forecast, seek emergency information, manage a crew, etc. Given these many good reasons for having a laptop on board, it's also important to choose the right laptop and care for it well so that it performs well and survives in good condition out on the seas in all conditions.

Edit Steps

Selecting a laptop

  1. Ruggedized laptops
    Ruggedized laptops
    Select a laptop that has the ability to do what you need. If you only want to check the weather and send emails, a less powerful laptop will suffice but if you're wanting to keep databases, use maps, play games, and navigate with it, you need a powerful laptop. If you're using the laptop for serious work, find one that has a high processing speed, with a minimum of 1.5GHz so that you can run multiple programs without slowing down. In addition, get one with at least 2 GB of memory (RAM) so that the operating system works fast and smoothly and so you can store charts, photos, videos, etc., without slowing things down. A hard drive with at least 160GB is essential.[1]
  2. Avoid a heavy laptop. Look for a lightweight one that is easy to move around and small enough to be placed on small surfaces (common in a sailboat). However, check that there are adequate USB ports for the many plug-ins/peripherals you might have. There are a lot of items that can transfer information direct to the laptop via a USB port now, such as wind and other data instruments, satellite radio, etc.
  3. Choose one with an anti-glare screen. Since you'll be out on the waters with plenty of sun glare and water glare, this is a necessity, not a luxury.
  4. Ensure that it is wi-fi enabled. Most new laptops are nowadays but older (reconditioned) ones might not be. Wi-fi will be very handy for connecting to the internet when docked or near internet broadcasting. You might even consider getting satellite internet access using a satellite phone because even the latest networks require you to be close to shore to pick up the internet. Bluetooth is helpful for transferring information between your cell phone and/or GPS receiver and laptop too.
  5. Get some accessories. Having an external keyboard and mouse can be a handy addition to enable you to sit away from the laptop in a more comfortable position that doesn't cause back, neck, and arm strain over long periods of time. If the laptop doesn't have an in-built camera, consider getting one to attach to it for those Skype talk and video. And do you want speakers for music or will the ones already in the laptop be sufficient? And a laptop lamp might come in handy when it's too dark to see as others sleep.
  6. Consider the software capabilities. You should know what you want in terms of software before buying the laptop. That way, you can make sure that it is compatible with your laptop and will work the way you want. For example, Macs have specific navigation software that you might wish to use, meaning that you need to err on the side of buying a Mac.[2]

Supplying power to the laptop

  1. Get another battery for the laptop. This can be really important in case the existing battery dies while you're out at sea and you have no way of recharging. Keep it in a dehumidified environment with desiccant (see below).
  2. Check that the existing power supply on the sailboat will work with the adapter for the laptop. Check the voltage of the power in the boat (usually 12 volt) and whether you will need an inverter.
  3. Use port stops to recharge batteries using local power.

Finding a home for the laptop on the sailboat

  1. Check out the existing spaces in the sailboat. Naturally, given the portability of a laptop, you can probably sit just about anywhere and use it but it might not be comfortable or practical having it on your lap all the time. Is there a suitable space where the laptop can stay most of the time? Is this space likely to be safe or do you need to make modifications to ensure that the laptop won't slide off in heavy seas? Laptops can be banged around and easily dropped if the seas get rough and this won't do the laptop any good. Be prepared to ensure that it is kept safe.
  2. Consider creating a space for the laptop. If you can't see a naturally suitable spot already on the sailboat, consider making one. A simple fold-down table with wooden barriers built around the sides of it could work well as a quick-to-build solution for where to place the laptop.
  3. When not in use, find a suitable storage spot for the laptop. One good solution is to get a lined/padded aluminum waterproof/ water resistant case or bag that can be slipped under a bunk, into a storage cupboard, etc., and will keep the laptop safe when not in use. And see the moisture-safety steps below, such as adding a desiccant and it's prudent to use a dry-bag around the case or bag for added protection; a dry-bag can ensure that the laptop remains dry should it fall overboard unexpectedly when moving cargo, leaving at port, etc.

Keeping your laptop safe from moisture

While having a laptop onboard a big air conditioned boat is not usually a problem, it can be a somewhat trickier proposal on a smaller boat with no air conditioning at 100 percent humidity. Guarding the workings of your laptop against humidity and moisture is important while sailing and it's easy to do with a little preparation.

  1. Purchase a drawstring plastic bag. Its thickness should be at least 0.10 mm (0.0039 of an inch).
  2. Obtain a drying agent. While calcium oxide is usually used on sailboats for de-humidification, this chemical can go hard on your laptop. Instead, get some silica gel desiccant. Better yet, get a drying agent with a safe organic indicator which changes its color from orange when active to green when saturated. This makes it much easier to know when your laptop has had all the humidity removed from its inner workings.
  3. Prepare the laptop for de-humidifying. Turn the laptop off. Place in into the plastic bag together with enough desiccant. Leave it like this when not the laptop is not in use. This includes when docked at port because your laptop is still over water.
    • The desiccant usually comes in small paper bags. It is really important the the desiccant does not come into direct contact with the laptop, so if it is not already covered in a bag, add one before placing it in with the laptop.

  4. Use the laptop as usual onboard without concern. While the laptop is on, humidity is not a problem as moisture accumulates only on surfaces that are at lower temperature than the ambient air is. It is only when it is not being used that moisture becomes a problem.
  5. When the desiccant changes its color or has absorbed all that it can, replace it right away. Calculate the amount you'll need to bring with you for the duration of your sailing trip.

Keeping your information safe

  1. Do regular back-ups of your information. Things happen at sea and the laptop could stop working, fall overboard, get dropped one too many times, etc. Ensure that your precious information has been backed up and kept elsewhere and not just on the laptop. You could use cloud computing methods, email your information, or use a hardy external drive kept safely somewhere else onboard.
  2. Get into the habit of making nightly or weekly backups (whatever fits your needs). Use a calendar or a phone reminder if needed.

Edit Tips

  • It is possible to get a 'ruggedized' laptop but this increases the cost of the laptop. However, if you're sailing for a long period of time (that is months, years), then budget this into your overall planning costs.
  • There are forums online that discuss the latest pros and cons of specific brands of laptops suitable for sailing purposes.
  • Be careful of sea spray. This can make the laptop really wet; keep the laptop off the deck until you get calmer conditions. In fact, make it a habit to keep the laptop off deck always; you will be amazed at the ways water manages to find its way to a laptop on a sailing boat!
  • Wipe off salt build-up regularly.
  • There is purpose-built gear, such as chartplotters, that can be used in place of the laptop. You might like to have each though, and only use the laptop for such things as emails, movies, and record keeping to ensure it isn't doing all the hard work and therefore being more exposed to potential damage.
  • Charts can be downloaded for free from NOAA.
  • Some people have used OLPC laptops because they use very little power, have a daylight readable screen, and are water resistant.[3]

Edit Warnings

  • One thing that might happen is dropping the laptop during rough weather. Secure the laptop and avoid carrying it around with you when seas are rough. Also, avoid drinking any beverage or soup and using the laptop at the same time, whatever the conditions!
  • Take care if you are considering using solar energy to recharge the laptop. Be sure that you know what you're doing and that you've read all the instructions for both the laptop and the solar charging device; anything that goes wrong may void the laptop's warranty because you haven't charged the batteries according to the manufacturer's advice.
  • Regular spray and water damage will ruin any laptop, even those that claim they are made for marine conditions. The best thing is to keep the laptop away from all water sources, all the time.

Edit Things You'll Need

  • Laptop (ruggedized if needed)
  • Suitable padded/lined metallic carry case/bag
  • Dry-bag
  • Storage table or other surface for laptop
  • Extra battery
  • Extra power adapter
  • Peripherals and USB hub if not enough USB ports on your laptop already
  • Instruction manual for laptop
  • Plastic bag with a drawstring
  • Desiccant (silica gel or organic version with indicator)

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