For the purpose of Electronic Records Management notes, tips, discovery, insight, ideas, best practices, research, collaboration, accountability, and investigation.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
The 2nd annual eDiscovery Readiness for Government - eDiscovery Readiness for Government
The 2nd annual eDiscovery Readiness for Government
Is Your Agency or Department Efficiently Managing ESI, Collaborating Effectively Internally And Prepared For An eDiscovery Case?
Monday, June 13, 2011
Time Management Tips-5 Essential Tools
It's wisest to start with your own experience. Think back. Recall a transition, initially unwelcome, that led to your developing more competence and revitalizing your faith in yourself. Perhaps you lost your footing at first. How did you get back on your feet? What new skills did you develop?
Identify the constructive problem solving process. This is worth actively validating, because the benefits extend far beyond the initial challenge you have met. Transitional effectiveness is a lifelong gift. It will invigorate you, enhancing your overall productivity. Transitional effectiveness is not a gene you either possess or lack. It is simply a set of basic tools you can acquire, practice and add to any time. Here are some of the most versatile tools you can utilize during tough times.
Do not be taken in by their apparent simplicity. Their power derives from consistent use. And you will enjoy the best results by incorporating them into your daily routine.
Your Transitional Tool Chest
Tip #1: Cultivate the positive.
These 2 simple exercises provide immediate, dramatic benefits:
A. The Opening Door:
Within every loss is a gain to be coaxed out into the open. What door opens when a current door closes? The more forward-looking you become, the more quickly you leave fear, self-pity and resentment behind. Write down the potential gains, filing your notes where you can easily access them. Refer to your Opening Door notes often. This helps you survey your options with curiosity, not fear.
B. The Gratitude Attitude:
Every day, first thing in the morning and before bedtime, list 3 things you are genuinely grateful for. Write them down and look at them. Reflect on which time choices contribute to these gifts. People who do this consistently report a dramatic shift in outlook. Think of it as connecting to your most powerful resourcefulness. The positive energy becomes more and more accessible as you create more neural pathways to your creative and receptive centers.
Tip #2: Constructive self-talk
You always benefit by encouraging yourself. And who knows what you need to hear more than you? Become your own favorite coach as you assess and assign priorities, and fire the critic.
Tip #3: Don't worry. Strategize instead.
Any time you catch yourself worrying, write down the realistic concern and commit to conducting a problem-solving session at a scheduled time. Then fully enter this present moment. This, too, is an excellent energy recharger.
Tip #4: Simplify, and then simplify some more.
Let go of inessentials that drain your energy. Change requires resilience and foresight, so eliminate distractions. Encourage yourself to deal with uncomfortable tasks immediately. The peace of mind this brings translates into more energy for the remainder of your work.
Tip #5: Innovate your way into fresh opportunities.
Change pushes you outside your comfort zone. Instead of becoming rigid, invite yourself to experiment.
So, however difficult your current situation, and however profound your losses, celebrate the resilience of your spirit. Your life is change, and always will be. In fact, consider how moving forward is an ongoing process of losing and regaining your balance as you set one foot in front of the other. Bring positive energy to transitions. It will always reward you richly.
Now ask yourself: How can you start clarifying your priorities right now to find time for what matters the most to you?
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
How to Use a Laptop on a Sailboat
How to Use a Laptop on a Sailboat: "Using a laptop on a sailboat has many advantages including being able to track your journey, navigate and plot charts, find out tactics if you're racing, keep a record of anything, play games, send emails, find the weather forecast, seek emergency information, manage a crew, etc. Given these many good reasons for having a laptop on board, it's also important to choose the right laptop and care for it well so that it performs well and survives in good condition out on the seas in all conditions.
Edit Steps
Selecting a laptop
- Select a laptop that has the ability to do what you need. If you only want to check the weather and send emails, a less powerful laptop will suffice but if you're wanting to keep databases, use maps, play games, and navigate with it, you need a powerful laptop. If you're using the laptop for serious work, find one that has a high processing speed, with a minimum of 1.5GHz so that you can run multiple programs without slowing down. In addition, get one with at least 2 GB of memory (RAM) so that the operating system works fast and smoothly and so you can store charts, photos, videos, etc., without slowing things down. A hard drive with at least 160GB is essential.[1]
- Avoid a heavy laptop. Look for a lightweight one that is easy to move around and small enough to be placed on small surfaces (common in a sailboat). However, check that there are adequate USB ports for the many plug-ins/peripherals you might have. There are a lot of items that can transfer information direct to the laptop via a USB port now, such as wind and other data instruments, satellite radio, etc.
- Choose one with an anti-glare screen. Since you'll be out on the waters with plenty of sun glare and water glare, this is a necessity, not a luxury.
- Ensure that it is wi-fi enabled. Most new laptops are nowadays but older (reconditioned) ones might not be. Wi-fi will be very handy for connecting to the internet when docked or near internet broadcasting. You might even consider getting satellite internet access using a satellite phone because even the latest networks require you to be close to shore to pick up the internet. Bluetooth is helpful for transferring information between your cell phone and/or GPS receiver and laptop too.
- Get some accessories. Having an external keyboard and mouse can be a handy addition to enable you to sit away from the laptop in a more comfortable position that doesn't cause back, neck, and arm strain over long periods of time. If the laptop doesn't have an in-built camera, consider getting one to attach to it for those Skype talk and video. And do you want speakers for music or will the ones already in the laptop be sufficient? And a laptop lamp might come in handy when it's too dark to see as others sleep.
- Consider the software capabilities. You should know what you want in terms of software before buying the laptop. That way, you can make sure that it is compatible with your laptop and will work the way you want. For example, Macs have specific navigation software that you might wish to use, meaning that you need to err on the side of buying a Mac.[2]
Supplying power to the laptop
- Get another battery for the laptop. This can be really important in case the existing battery dies while you're out at sea and you have no way of recharging. Keep it in a dehumidified environment with desiccant (see below).
- Check that the existing power supply on the sailboat will work with the adapter for the laptop. Check the voltage of the power in the boat (usually 12 volt) and whether you will need an inverter.
- Use port stops to recharge batteries using local power.
Finding a home for the laptop on the sailboat
- Check out the existing spaces in the sailboat. Naturally, given the portability of a laptop, you can probably sit just about anywhere and use it but it might not be comfortable or practical having it on your lap all the time. Is there a suitable space where the laptop can stay most of the time? Is this space likely to be safe or do you need to make modifications to ensure that the laptop won't slide off in heavy seas? Laptops can be banged around and easily dropped if the seas get rough and this won't do the laptop any good. Be prepared to ensure that it is kept safe.
- Consider creating a space for the laptop. If you can't see a naturally suitable spot already on the sailboat, consider making one. A simple fold-down table with wooden barriers built around the sides of it could work well as a quick-to-build solution for where to place the laptop.
- When not in use, find a suitable storage spot for the laptop. One good solution is to get a lined/padded aluminum waterproof/ water resistant case or bag that can be slipped under a bunk, into a storage cupboard, etc., and will keep the laptop safe when not in use. And see the moisture-safety steps below, such as adding a desiccant and it's prudent to use a dry-bag around the case or bag for added protection; a dry-bag can ensure that the laptop remains dry should it fall overboard unexpectedly when moving cargo, leaving at port, etc.
Keeping your laptop safe from moisture
While having a laptop onboard a big air conditioned boat is not usually a problem, it can be a somewhat trickier proposal on a smaller boat with no air conditioning at 100 percent humidity. Guarding the workings of your laptop against humidity and moisture is important while sailing and it's easy to do with a little preparation.
- Purchase a drawstring plastic bag. Its thickness should be at least 0.10 mm (0.0039 of an inch).
- Obtain a drying agent. While calcium oxide is usually used on sailboats for de-humidification, this chemical can go hard on your laptop. Instead, get some silica gel desiccant. Better yet, get a drying agent with a safe organic indicator which changes its color from orange when active to green when saturated. This makes it much easier to know when your laptop has had all the humidity removed from its inner workings.
- Prepare the laptop for de-humidifying. Turn the laptop off. Place in into the plastic bag together with enough desiccant. Leave it like this when not the laptop is not in use. This includes when docked at port because your laptop is still over water.
- The desiccant usually comes in small paper bags. It is really important the the desiccant does not come into direct contact with the laptop, so if it is not already covered in a bag, add one before placing it in with the laptop.
- The desiccant usually comes in small paper bags. It is really important the the desiccant does not come into direct contact with the laptop, so if it is not already covered in a bag, add one before placing it in with the laptop.
- Use the laptop as usual onboard without concern. While the laptop is on, humidity is not a problem as moisture accumulates only on surfaces that are at lower temperature than the ambient air is. It is only when it is not being used that moisture becomes a problem.
- When the desiccant changes its color or has absorbed all that it can, replace it right away. Calculate the amount you'll need to bring with you for the duration of your sailing trip.
Keeping your information safe
- Do regular back-ups of your information. Things happen at sea and the laptop could stop working, fall overboard, get dropped one too many times, etc. Ensure that your precious information has been backed up and kept elsewhere and not just on the laptop. You could use cloud computing methods, email your information, or use a hardy external drive kept safely somewhere else onboard.
- Get into the habit of making nightly or weekly backups (whatever fits your needs). Use a calendar or a phone reminder if needed.
Edit Tips
- It is possible to get a 'ruggedized' laptop but this increases the cost of the laptop. However, if you're sailing for a long period of time (that is months, years), then budget this into your overall planning costs.
- There are forums online that discuss the latest pros and cons of specific brands of laptops suitable for sailing purposes.
- Be careful of sea spray. This can make the laptop really wet; keep the laptop off the deck until you get calmer conditions. In fact, make it a habit to keep the laptop off deck always; you will be amazed at the ways water manages to find its way to a laptop on a sailing boat!
- Wipe off salt build-up regularly.
- There is purpose-built gear, such as chartplotters, that can be used in place of the laptop. You might like to have each though, and only use the laptop for such things as emails, movies, and record keeping to ensure it isn't doing all the hard work and therefore being more exposed to potential damage.
- Charts can be downloaded for free from NOAA.
- Some people have used OLPC laptops because they use very little power, have a daylight readable screen, and are water resistant.[3]
Edit Warnings
- One thing that might happen is dropping the laptop during rough weather. Secure the laptop and avoid carrying it around with you when seas are rough. Also, avoid drinking any beverage or soup and using the laptop at the same time, whatever the conditions!
- Take care if you are considering using solar energy to recharge the laptop. Be sure that you know what you're doing and that you've read all the instructions for both the laptop and the solar charging device; anything that goes wrong may void the laptop's warranty because you haven't charged the batteries according to the manufacturer's advice.
- Regular spray and water damage will ruin any laptop, even those that claim they are made for marine conditions. The best thing is to keep the laptop away from all water sources, all the time.
Edit Things You'll Need
- Laptop (ruggedized if needed)
- Suitable padded/lined metallic carry case/bag
- Dry-bag
- Storage table or other surface for laptop
- Extra battery
- Extra power adapter
- Peripherals and USB hub if not enough USB ports on your laptop already
- Instruction manual for laptop
- Plastic bag with a drawstring
- Desiccant (silica gel or organic version with indicator)
Edit Related wikiHows
- How to Sail a Boat
- How to Clean a Laptop Screen with Household Products
- How to Buy a Laptop
- How to Keep Your Laptop Travel Safe
- How to Sail an Optimist
Edit Sources and Citations
- – research source
- – research source
How to use rel=author tags for SEO
Google’s created a concept called “AuthorRank” (coined by Matt Cutts here) in which savvy web writers can tag themselves in a variety of ways to let Google know that their stuff is legitimate. This is partly a reaction to the endless amount of scraping that goes on of content – by using rel=author and its companion attribute, rel=me, I suspect Google aims to catch scrapers that reprint the articles but never link or reprint the bio pages.
Whitney Hoffman asks:
@cspenn can you explain rel=author to me sometime and where to put it?
Here’s how to use this. In any article you write on a given domain, include the rel=author attribute in a link back to your profile on the same domain. If I write a blog post on, in that blog post I should link back to, say, my about page on It’s really that simple.
For example, I could put a byline on this blog post when writing it that says something like “By Christopher Penn“, and then link that up to my about page on my site. In the link, I’d add the rel=author attribute, like so:
Now I’ve attributed this post to me on my site, linking back to another page on my site. When the scrapers come by (and they inevitably do), they’ll pick up this post and reprint it word for word on some other site, but now there’s a mismatch. Rel=author on points to my about page on, but the same article on will be linking off site – an indicator to Google that the scraper is not the real thing.
That’s not the only authorship change you should make, though. Google also included a rel=me attribute in their documentation to address authors who write on multiple sites. If you’re contributing in more than one place, Google is asking you to link your profile pages. For example, if I write regularly on someone else’s blog, I should put a link on my profile page on that blog to and put a reciprocal link on my about page on to the guest blog. This tells Google I’m the same author, and I suspect then shares the “AuthorRank” across both sites.
Bonus tip: use rel=me on links from your about page to your social networking profiles. It may be difficult to add the reciprocal link (I tried on LinkedIn and Twitter to no avail, Facebook I was able to from my page’s app, and Flickr allowed me), but at least you can signal to Google that those are your profiles on the major social sites. If the concept takes off, I suspect some of the social networks will start allowing you to add the attribute, or do it automatically.
Now, if you’ve been an avid reader of my newsletter, you know about the Shortcode Exec plugin for WordPress, and you’ve been diligently using its shortcodes in your posts, right? So here’s the power tip for you, the power user: edit your shortcode right now to include an attribution link back to your about page.
Boom! Now all your old blog posts are retroactively using the new rel=author tag. This immediately discredits all the scrapers hosting archived versions of your old posts with just a few clicks and boosts all of the original content on your blog past and present that’s using the shortcode.
If you don’t use this plugin, you can still accomplish the same thing, you’ll just need to open up and copy/paste an author line in all your old blog posts. Sorry. You can, yes, include it in your WordPress theme, but remember that the template isn’t scraped when scraper bots do their thing, so you’ll get less juice out of the rel=author trick than putting it in the post itself.
That’s how you use the new rel=author and rel=me stuff. It won’t take you long to implement, and with Google creating this AuthorRank stuff, there’s a good chance that a minimal investment of time now will pay dividends in the near future.
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Thursday, June 9, 2011
FAQ about Telework-NARA
FAQ about Telework
June 6, 20100
General Information
What is the purpose of this FAQ?
The Telework Enhancement Act of 2010 provided for the establishment and implementation of telework policy for Federal employees. As defined in Section 6501(3), "telework" or "teleworking" is "a work flexibility arrangement under which an employee performs the duties and responsibilities of such employee's position, and other authorized activities, from an approved worksite other than the location from which the employee would otherwise work."
Additionally, the Act of 2010 stated that "OPM shall...consult with...the National Archives and Records Administration on policy and policy guidance for telework in the areas of efficient and effective records management and the preservation of records, including Presidential and Vice-Presidential records." [Section 6504(b)(3)(c)]
Employees' flexibility to work in locations other than in employees' usual work venues does not require new government-wide records management policies. Federal employees are responsible for managing records generated in the course of their work, regardless of location. This FAQ reiterates basic records management guidance from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to agencies and their employees that applies to Federal records in a telework environment.
What is records management?
Federal records management is the planning, controlling, directing, organizing, training, promoting, and other managerial activities involved in the records life cycle -- creation, maintenance and use, and disposition. Records management provides for the adequate and proper documentation of the policies and transactions of the Federal Government and effective and economical management of agency operations (44 U.S.C. 2901).
What are my records management responsibilities in a telework environment?
Federal employees have three basic obligations regarding Federal records:
Create records needed to do the business of their agency, record decisions and actions taken, and document activities for which they are responsible;
Take care of records so that information can be found when needed. This means setting up directories and files, and filing materials (in whatever format) regularly and carefully in a manner that allows them to be safely stored and efficiently retrieved when necessary; and
Carry out the disposition of records under their control in accordance with agency records schedules and Federal regulations.
Employees also must consider and follow agency-specific policies for managing records that contain personally-identifiable or security-classified information.
Do my records management responsibilities change in a telework environment?
Federal employees should follow agency policies for managing records in a telework environment, such as returning files to its filing system and managing copies of records created in the course of teleworking. Each agency should incorporate their different security and related needs into their policies. Further, agency policies may depend on approved telework methods (working on agency-supplied laptop computers, using a Virtual Private Network, e-mailing work to and from the telework site, etc.).
With the exception of agency-specific policies, the general records management responsibilities of a Federal employee do not change in the telework environment. Employees should remember that these responsibilities apply to the management of both federal records as well as non-records, such as reference copies.
My questions weren't addressed in this guidance, who can I ask for further information?
You should contact your agency records officers for further information about managing Federal records in a telework environment. A list of agency records officers can be found on the NARA web site at Your agency's records officer may contact the NARA appraisal archivist with whom your agency normally works. A list of the appraisal contacts is posted on the NARA web site at
What other NARA resources are available?
NARA has the following resources and related guidance that you may find useful:
NARA Regulations - NARA regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) reflects all amendments since the July 1, 1995 revision date of the printed CFR Title 36
Frequently Asked Questions About Records Management: Provides a list of FAQs on noteworthy records management topics
Records Management Training - NARA has developed records management courses designed to meet the changing Federal recordkeeping environment.
Records Express Blog: The official blog of the National Records Management Program (NRMP) at NARA highlights guidance and upcoming events. It also discusses how the NRMP is working with our agency partners to improve records management in the Federal government.
Monday, June 6, 2011
ARMA Internationals 2011 Annual Conference and Expo
The 56th Annual ARMA International Conference & Expo will be held October 17-19, 2011, just minutes outside Washington, D.C. The education sessions and Expo will be at the Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center, 201 Waterfront Street, National Harbor, MD, 20745, which is also the headquarters hotel.
Special Event Promotion:
A Special Pre-Registration promotion runs until June 14 giving a $50 discount on the Full 3-Day Conference Registration.
The Gaylord National’s special promotion for the first 100 registrants has been filled.
But, hurry, this offer is for a limited time only!
REGISTER NOW Online or by this registration form.
Regular registration fees will continue online and by registration form June 15, 2011.
Full Registration includes Monday through Wednesday educational sessions and breaks, General Sessions, Monday lunch in the Expo Hall, Welcome Reception, Exhibit Pass, and session handouts. Also included will be recordings of the conference sessions available on the web after the conference.
Early discount fees (paid by September 1) $ 899 Member $1,149 Non-member
Regular fees (after September 1 and on-site) $ 999 Member $1,249 Non-member
Take advantage of the MER Conference experience by attending these seven sessions including lunch and an evening reception on Tuesday, October 18.
Registration for the MER Experience $599
Registration in conjunction with Full Registration for the ARMA Conference $399
PRE-CONFERENCE SEMINARS: There will be one-half day seminars and 1 two-day seminar October 15 and 16. Look for details on the seminars on the Education webpage.
One-Half Day Member $249 Non-Member $299
One-Half Day when registering for two or more Member $199 Non-Member $249
Two-Day - RIM Fundamentals Member $549 Non-Member $649
ONE-DAY REGISTRATION: Available October 17, 18, and 19, 2011. Fee is $450.
One-Day Registration includes that day’s education sessions, general session, breaks, exhibit pass for Monday and Tuesday, and the session handouts and presentations.
EXPO HALL – 2 DAYS: October 17 and 18, 2011
Not planning on attending education sessions? You can still visit the Expo Hall for FREE! However, you must register for your free pass. If you are registered for any of the paid education sessions you will automatically receive entry into the Expo Hall.
POST-CONFERENCE SEMINAR – 1 or 2 DAYS: October 20 and 21, 2011
Certified Records Manager (CRM) Exam Prep Workshop
Parts 1-6 Two-Day Member $299 Non-Member $399
Part 6 Only One-Day Member $249 Non-Member $349
ARMA International 800.422.2762 or +1 913.341.3808
Confirmation and Name Badges
You will receive confirmation by e-mail showing your registration package and payment. This will be your receipt. Program and general event updates will be provided in monthly e-mails. Name badges will be mailed to pre-registered attendees at least one week prior to the event. Please bring badges with you to Registration upon arrival at the event.
Cancellation Policy
Written cancellations postmarked, e-mailed, or faxed by September 16, 2011, will incur a cancellation fee of $100 (USD) for members, $250 (USD) for non-members. Cancellations postmarked, e-mailed, or faxed after September 16, 2011, and by Noon, October 7, 2011, will be subject to a penalty of 50% of registration fees. There will be no refunds to registrants who do not cancel by October 7, 2011, and are “no shows” at the conference. Substitutions are encouraged.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Significant record management issues facing the records management community
management of information assets.
The ten issues are:
1. The growing role of records management continues to be a
significant issue in organizational management-Unfortunately it also continues to be an issue that management hesitates to address adequately.
2. Records management's transition to the
management of electronic records and the desire to move to a
paperless office
3. The role of records management in corporate
governance, compliance, and the need to be prepared for an audit
4. Records management's role in regulatory
compliance and litigation/eDiscovery or risk reduction
5. Getting to (nearly) perfect in records retention. Scheduling electronic records according to the requirements of NARA
6. The role of electronic records retention in improved
data life cycle management
7. E-mail: Still the single biggest challenge for records
8. Cleaning out the digital closets: Records retention
and unstructured content, such as those managed in Microsoft Office environment
9. The significance of the new software solutions for
electronic records management
10.The role of records management in an increasingly digital environment. The records management challenge is intensified due to the increasingly growing environment of electronic record content on various applications. Preservation of such records is a challenge that will not be easily resolved.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Time to Start Working from Home - Virtualization - News & Reviews -
Time to Start Working from Home - Virtualization - News & Reviews -