Friday, February 4, 2011

Social Media Monitoring Gaining Ground But Has Plenty of Room for Growth

Social Media Monitoring Gaining Ground But Has Plenty of Room for Growth: "

As I prepare this morning to make a presentation on social media monitoring to a group of non-profit executives at the VOLUNTEER Hampton Roads, Hampton Roads Institute for Nonprofit Leadership Conference in Norfolk, VA, eMarketer is sharing an InformationWeek Analytics report about, you guessed it, social media monitoring.

The report shows that there is plenty of room for growth. Of course, we know Andy Beal already gets it (insert blatant Trackur social media monitoring tool plug here) but now it’s up to companies to get it more as well.

With 43% of the respondents having no plan to respond to any online comments it’s obvious that more business people need to understand this process before it is too late. There are many instances of companies and organizations having to scramble to respond to online issues and concerns. While doing something is usually better than doing nothing it is still very risky to have to put together a response on the fly when just some prior planning could prevent some seriously poor performance.

The study also looked at what companies are using to monitor the social space and most are still depending on search engine alerts which, in this space, is quickly becoming the equivalent of using smoke signals to communicate.

Since we are on the subject, be sure to check out the Trackur blog for even more information about the discipline of social media monitoring.

NOTE: One piece of monitoring we would like to do is to see what our readers think of this weekend’s Super Bowl. Who are the Pilgrims rooting for? Let us know in the comments. For me, it’s Go, Pack, Go! What about you?

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