Friday, December 3, 2010

Records Management Certification Overview and Outline

Records Management Certification Overview and Outline

Every organization and every individual has records! Business offices, government agencies, non-profit groups, educational institutions, and medical facilities-just to name a few-must deal with enormous amounts of records on a daily basis. Executives and support staff are inundated with data and information in various formats.

A record is anything that provides information. A record may be on any type of media: paper or electronic, digital or analog, magnetic or optical, liquid or solid…. In today's technological environment, organizations must learn how to handle these records so that they can be used as needed in the future. Records must be managed from the time they are created or received, through distribution, use, and maintenance, until they are finally destroyed or permanently archived.

This Records Management course will give a basic overview of records management terminology, concepts, and procedures to successfully manage records in today's offices. Regardless of the media on which the record is stored, the record must be properly managed to be an asset to the organization. Another important component of a professional records management program is legality issues. A comprehensive, legally-sound records retention schedule must be developed and strictly followed so that the company is not held liable for problems that could have been avoided in the first place.

Should records be stored on paper, in an electronic format, in a microform? How is a Records Inventory conducted? What are the steps in the development of a company-wide Records Retention Schedule? How are records archived? This course will assist you in making those decisions based upon certain characteristics of the records. Also, the rules established by the Association of Records Managers and Administrators (ARMA) will be used for the proper coding and filing of records.

Each section of this online course contains learning objectives, review questions, practical applications, and assignment activities for the student to study for mastery of content.

This course will provide an introduction to the profession of records and information management. It focuses on development of knowledge necessary to establish and manage successful organization-wide records management programs. This course will encompass the tried-and-proved "winning strategies for successful records management programs."

Upon registering, you are given an initial six months to complete the program. Should you need more time, you may request a 6-month extension at no additional charge.

Course Objectives

Define records management and describe the importance of managing document-based information systems in business and government.

Describe the business justification for records management and list the major components of a formally established records management program.

Identify the distinguishing differences among the major methods used in inventorying the records of an organization.

Delineate the different methods used in inventorying electronic record media.

Explain the business and legal benefits of establishing a records retention program.

Describe the steps involved in planning and developing a records retention program.

Discuss the legal issues of records retention program development.

Explain how to conduct and document legal research on federal, state, and local records retention requirements.

Describe the theory and practice of records retention decision-making.

Explain the need for vital records protection and disaster recovery planning.

Describe how vital records are identified and how they differ from important and useful records.

Explain the concepts and techniques of protecting vital electronic records.

Identify guidelines for developing vital records operating procedures.

State the objectives of a filing system.

Explain the differences between direct and indirect access systems.

Identify the various types of coding systems.

Describe the functions of an index and identify general criteria for indexing systems.

Enumerate the arrangements, purposes, and characteristics of the different classification systems, i.e., subject, numeric, alphabetic, alphanumeric.

Identify factors that help reduce the area and time of a records search.

Explain the primary tools used for identifying records.

Recommend solutions for common filing problems and for safeguarding the security and confidentiality of records.

Describe the process for file reorganization.

Identify the reasons for careful selection of records housing equipment and describe the criteria and considerations in selecting equipment.

Explain principles for inventorying electronic records.

Describe and evaluate records management software and how it is used.

Describe bar code technology and its uses.

Explain the fundamentals of a microfilm system.

Explain the operation, components, and benefits of different types of cameras used for microfilming.

Discuss the purpose of various peripheral equipment, such as processors, duplicators, jacket and aperture card loaders, and readers and reader-printers.

Describe computer-assisted retrieval systems (CAR) and computer-output microfilm (COM).

List the purpose, advantages, capabilities, and major components of electronic imaging systems.

Explain the various types of optical disks and their characteristics.

Discuss how hybrid micrographic systems are complementing electronic imaging in enterprise-wide computer systems.

Identify the advantages and limitations of using micrographics or electronic imaging in the management of an organization's records.

Learn what information should be gathered and how to determine the economic and technical feasibility of using an imaging system in the management of records to enable the effective design of an appropriate system.

Explain the need and the objectives of an effective forms management program.

Identify the program elements of a forms management program.

Identify various types of paper-based and electronic forms.

Explain how to establish an effective forms analysis program.

Identify tools used in forms inventory and appraisal.

Identify the scope and functions of mail management programs.

Describe how automated mail handling equipment works.

List the types of electronic message transmission systems that are used in today's modern office.

Identify the scope of reprographics and copy control.

State the basic principles of an effective copy management program.

Explain how to conduct a reprographics management program evaluation.

State the purposes and advantages of records management manuals.

Explain the purposes and functions of a records center.

Establish criteria for planning the requirements for a records center facility, equipment, and layout.

Identify the different types of records storage space-numbering systems and explain the advantages of each.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a commercial records center as compared to an in-house facility.

Explain some commonly used records center search and charge-out procedures.

Outline policies and procedures for establishing a records disposal system for a records center.

Enumerate the duties and responsibilities of records center personnel.

Define archives management and explain the types and functions of archives.

Identify the criteria for appraising the value of archival records.

Describe the principles of conservation of archival materials to ensure their permanent preservation.

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