Monday, November 30, 2009

AIIM - What is ECM?

AIIM - What is ECM?

Posted using ShareThis

A series of "What is" questions worth considering.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I would encourage the Electronic Records Management community to view this video. I make it a habit to avail myself of any resources produced by Jason Baron. He is tremendously insightful in the field of eDiscovery! He is a much needed evangelist promoting good records management practices, and I have been encouraged and educated by his wealth knowledge.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Information Explosion

We are living during a time of information overload or what has been coined information explosion. It is no longer a question of when will electronic documents supersede paper documents, we are currently producing more information in a digital format than in a paper or hard copy format. The only question is how will we manage this immense portion of electronic information, and from a records standpoint how will we manage it properly and efficiently? The question begs a response because what we are up against today may be defined as information explosion, whereas tomorrow the information explosion will give way to an information tsunami, and how will we manage this volume of data? This blog posts was initiated by this author to provide guidance, insight and practicle soloutions to aide in addressing these areas.

The National Archives' Ability to Protect the Nation's Electronic Records

The of preserving the nations records.

Team Digital Preservation and the Aeroplane Disaster

Humorous illustration of the importance of good record keeping procedures.

Friday, November 20, 2009

For your holiday reading -- a COMPLETE 8 things list... and looking for #SharePoint authors - Digital Landfill

For your holiday reading -- a COMPLETE 8 things list... and looking for #SharePoint authors - Digital Landfill
I have learned a lot from AIIM. I post this fine collection of quick readings. They are simple, educational, thoughtful and well worth reading! I encourage all in the records community to be engaged in the resources produced by AIIM.

AIIM - ECM in 60 Seconds: Video Challenge.

AIIM - ECM in 60 Seconds: Video Challenge.

Posted using ShareThis

Sunday, November 15, 2009

8 Things to Consider when Developing an Information Retention Policy - Digital Landfill

8 Things to Consider when Developing an Information Retention Policy - Digital Landfill

Saturday, November 14, 2009

What is Sharepoint? A presentation

Concerning Electronic Records Management

8 Things to Remember When Implementing an E-Mail Policy - Digital Landfill

8 Things to Remember When Implementing an E-Mail Policy - Digital Landfill

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Privilege review
Rule 502
Rule 26B 1

Reasonable Methodology

The importance of the legal system n its impact upon soc

The implementation of effective technology-the key 2 search n retrieval.
Testing accuracy
Trec-tect retrieval conference

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sharepoint Philly Saturday

I prioritized the SharePoint Philly event held on 11.7.09, and I am glad I did. The event was very well attended and very much worth attending. I came away with several good points, insights, lessons learned and items for follow-up. Let me list some take always worthy of consideration, and because I am writing this blog in haste this list may have to be continued, but here they are:
1. SharePoint 2010 has features that clear up concerns of previous versions of SharePoint.
2. SharePoint is more than just a collaboration platform.
3. SharePoint 2010 features Records Management. I could not leave the event with certainty that DOD 5015 compliancy has been secured, but there was a lot of discussion along this line and it seems to be in the works.
4. Findability and Putability
5. The importance of Enterprise Taxonomy
6. EDiscovery lessons learned to numerous to mention
7. Tips on avoiding a major recurring mistake made in SharePoint deployment. The mistake: A failure to define the purpose for the SharePoint deployment. What the application is being deployed to perform and what it is not being deployed to perform.

Perhaps to be continued...

Open Text Online Communities

Open Text Online Communities

This is a community worth considering, especially for the SharePoint connection.